For most people, internet marketing is a money making industry. In
reality, internet marketing is about developing oneself on a regular
basis. If you are involved in internet marketing, you will have to pay
attention to some of the intermediate strategies that are being used -
especially if you are a beginner.
I'd like to just share a few intermediate to advanced strategies
you can use in order to enhance your internet marketing efforts,
whether you are selling internet marketing itself or not. Hopefully,
you can leverage internet marketing to enhance your income in the
shortest span of time.
Strategy #1 - Maximizing Your Productivity
Many internet marketers go solo on this. I would say that in order
for you to create the most amount of leverage, you will have to master
your productivity. It's important for you to find outsourced talent.
Places such as may prove to become too expensive, so it's
more viable to look to two particular sources that I find much cheaper
and just as reliable. First, you should seek out specific talent
forums. If you need a programmer, go to programmer forums. If you need
an affiliate manager, go to affiliate forums. If you need a designer,
then design forums are probably a better bet. The second is to look for
a local university and seek out those within the talent space you need
to hire. Bright, young individuals might actually have something to
prove and do a really good job!
Don't just outsource! Manage your talent, help them to grow and
train them up to become better. Point them to the right resources and
you'll realize that they will be more willing to assist you in doing
even bigger projects online.
Strategy #2 - Automated traffic mechanisms
If you have not got a series of automated traffic, you will
probably find that it is difficult to generate traffic. Each of my
sites is typically optimized on the search engines. If you want to
learn more about Search Engine Optimization, there are plenty of
courses that are available online, not to mention some really good SEO
On the forums at,
there are some 103 ideas on generating traffic. You just need to go in
there and identify the 5 best ways for you to do this, then keep at it
for a while.
Strategy #3 - Focus on a the 4-hour Work Week!
If you haven't already, you should pick up a copy of Timothy
Ferriss' "4-Hour work week". He mentions two things that struck me
right from the start. For instance, what are the 20% of the things that
create for you 80% of the results? And what are 20% of the things that
you do that create 80% of your problems? If you focus on answering
these, you should be more effective in understanding your productivity
cycle and move closer toward overall business improvement!
About The Author
author of "Secrets of Internet Millionaires" and the co-author of
bestselling "Master Your Mind Design Your Destiny". He is the owner of and runs a popular forum there. Anyone
inspiring to be an internet marketing expert should go there and learn
from the regular and friendly discussions there.
Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run
online business ,matrix,internet marketing solution ,online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer ,computer training ,computer software andpersonal computer,Cyber Forest,internet weapon,talk about business ,business is my blood ,hasan's blog ,cyber business
Technorati Tags: internet, web, internet marketing, internet business, business online, affiliate, affiliate program, affiliate marketing, article, free article, marketing article, make money, make money online, work at home