Wednesday, July 11, 2007

How To Boost Affiliate Program Revenues With Presell Pages by Jeff Alderson

Finding a website or blog owner who wouldn't mind making a little extra cash from their online efforts is practically impossible. With tools such as on-site advertising, product sales and even affiliate programs available, it is often possible to earn some serious money. Although all of these options can and do pay off, they tend to have a fatal glitch. They almost always require visitors to a site to act in order for them to pay off.

In most cases, affiliate programs in particular, demand that visitors on the referring site click on a link and follow it through to another website. The affiliate site then might even require an outright purchase or some other action to take place before a single penny is earned. Raising the chances for success in this actually happening often falls on the referring site's ability to capture readers' attention with ads and affiliate program links.

Although direct affiliate links can be great revenue generators in some cases, they don't always pay off. The fact is these links send people away from the referring site, often leaving the closing up to the program site itself. If the site happens to be poor in design or if its landing page leaves a lot to be desired, all interest might be lost.

Fortunately, there are some things website and blog owners can do to increase their money-making chances. Touting products or services on the referring site through presell pages is one of the most effective ways to go. These special pages do nothing more than provide information about the product or service. They are hosted within the referring site, and simply are designed to help close a sale or prompt an action before a reader leaves. Rather than place affiliate links in blog articles, chat forums, ads or other spots on a site, presell pages are the ones that offer them.

Website and blog owners who create distinct presell pages are likely to notice some very big benefits. These pages can be leveraged to a site owner's advantage to even help create or boost other streams of income, as well. The way this is accomplished often comes from a presell page's ability to draw in traffic via search engines. Since these pages tend to focus on a particular product or service and they happen to be keyword intense, they can manage to produce very good ranking results. This can, in turn, increase traffic and potential revenue.

Two other major perks of using these pages instead of sending traffic directly to affiliate sites exist. If the presell page or pages are well written, relevant and offer frank information about the product or service in question, trust can be built. This trust can extend to the site as a whole. It is even possible to capitalize on the trust a site already has with its followers when presell pages are added. The other benefit is that these pages are much better to leave as links in blog posts, chat forums, e-mails and other online locations. Rather than spamming affiliate links, using presell page links just looks more professional. Another benefit is the ability to link to these pages in future content. They create fantastic reference points for related content.

Creating pages that presell products or services on a site or blog isn't very difficult. All that's necessary is creating a separate page, or even blog article, that includes the pitch. If using a new page, consider making its link very visible on the site. A banner ad for recommendations or another similar tool can help greatly.

Although presell pages are simple to create, there are some basic rules of the road to follow when creating them. Perhaps the most important thing to do is to avoid super hard sales tactics. It is also vital that content about the product or service is truthful, balanced and even presents the negatives if they exist. It's a good idea to make sure the affiliate link shows up several times in the copy, too. Do make sure not to add other links that might pull attention away from the affiliate issues at hand. Some site owners use link cloaking for affiliate links, but this isn't always necessary. When writing the copy, it's also a good idea to keep it short, fairly easy to scan and relevant. Do be certain readers understand what a product or service could mean to them. The "so what" can be a very big link in a closing.

Presell pages for affiliate programs aren't always necessary, but they can go a long way toward helping increase revenue. Those who take the time to understand the programs they're recommending can gain a higher conversion rate than others when presell pages are brought into play.

About the Author

Author Jeff Alderson is a software developer and Internet marketer. He is an expert on PPC and SEO strategies. To boost profits, Jeff advises using a keyword research tool when conducting keyword research

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , mlm coder, internet marketing solution , online store script .

Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


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