Friday, August 3, 2007

What Is Affiliate Marketing and Is It For Me?

Affiliate marketing can be defined as a widespread method of promotion
in which an affiliate is rewarded for every view, sale, and/or
registration produced through the affiliate's efforts (depending on the
type of affiliate program).

It's similar to collecting commissions as a typical salesperson would.
The more the affiliate sells... the more the affiliate gets paid. It's
as simple as that!

Compensation calculations vary but are typically based on one of the following:

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) - a specific amount is paid for each visitor the affiliate sends

Pay-Per-Lead (PPL) - where the affiliate is paid for registrations or sign-ups

Pay-Per-Sale (PPS) - a specific commission per sale is paid to the affiliate

If your goal is to generate your entire income online you can drive
traffic from your subscriber lists, your websites, and from other
marketing methods to affiliate links.

What About Product Sales and Marketing?

You'll want to watch for great products and services with the potential
to benefit your niche market and your mailing lists. To build trust and
income, it's best to recommend only those products that will be of
specific interest to them. It's a win-win situation for everyone that

When an affiliate is marketing any product, the cost of marketing the
product is absorbed by the affiliate, so it's important to keep that
cost in mind when promoting products. Typically the higher the
percentage of affiliate commissions possible from any quality product,
the more that product is worth promoting.

When a product is sold through the affiliate's personal link, depending
on the service used, the total sale is divided up among the vendor, the
affiliate, the taxing authority, the shipper (if any), and the payment

It is common and expected that all affiliate details be spelled out in
the affiliate sign-up process. However, you shouldn't be afraid to
contact any vendor to clarify their affiliate program if you have
questions. Often you can telephone or email for a fast reply. If they
are not willing to answer your questions then you should stay away from
them. There are plenty of other quality affiliates programs that would
love to have you!

Is a Digital Lifestyle for Me?

Many standard retailers offer very small commissions for affiliate
sales while most internet marketers offer around 50%-75% of the sale
for being an affiliate of their digital product. This is why being an
affiliate of digital products can be very lucrative in a relatively
short period of time.

Although the number of affiliate programs for tangible goods and
off-line services is rising, a completely digital lifestyle can be
developed solely from digital or downloadable affiliate products that
may never take physical form.

Of course it's important to note that as an affiliate of any tangible
product, you generally never do more than promote a link to the product
online. So in that sense it's basically the same as a digital product.

One of the best places to find digital products to affiliate with is They have an automatic affiliate program built into
their payment processing service so that affiliate payments are not
left up to the product owner to process.

Three other good affiliate programs to check into are: (Commission Junction)

Staying with reputable, well-known internet vendors makes a great deal
of sense because you know you will get paid, you know when to expect a
check or bank deposit, and you can see your account details online at
any time. Plus, if you do have a problem they are more than willing to
take care of it.

How Do I Get Started?

There are many ways to start with affiliate marketing, but a basic
starting point is to have a web site with text or image affiliate links
to products you want to promote. Generally you want to stay focused
within a niche or interest group to increase your sales potential. In
other words, you don't want to have many different affiliate links to
variety of completely different markets on your website. Stick to a
similar theme.

If you have used the products, your promotional efforts could include a
product review based on your own experience along with images and other
supporting information.

Developing an email opt-in list is helpful in affiliate marketing
because it gives you the opportunity to find the products and
information with the most potential benefit for a group of like-minded
individuals (your subscribers) and tell them about it. A targeted list
of subscribers, that you have built a good relationship with could be
worth thousands of dollars over time.

By promoting affiliate products to several targeted niche markets, it
is possible to create a substantial income over time. Especially when
the affiliate marketer is only promoting quality products with a real
potential to benefit customers within the niche.

In conclusion, affiliate marketing is a great way to build an income
without having a product of your own, and without having to do much
more than get interested people to view product information through
your affiliate links. It's very easy to get started and can eventually
put a lot of money in your pocket. But be prepared to put in a lot of
time and effort. Making money online through affiliate programs is not
easy. If it was everyone would be rich.


This article may be reprinted providing it is published in it's
entirety, including the author's bio and link to the URL displayed.

About The Author

John J Farina is a successful affiliate
marketer. He provides expert reviews on which affiliate programs to
join and which ones to avoid like the plague. He shows people how to
actually generate substantial income on-line using very simple, easily
modeled systems. An example of such a system that you can study and
duplicate is at:

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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How To Create A Video Campaign Concept

Have you ever had a good idea, maybe a great idea, only to find that
someone else already ready did it? Frustrating. You want to be a
success and who doesn't? It's why you do what you do, why you put-up
with what you put-up with? But it all gets so frustrating.

As much as you'd like to believe otherwise, there just aren't any
secret methods, special potions, or motivational DVDs that are going to
make you a success in thirty days, but there are things you can do that
will help. Sure working hard helps but working smart is even better. So
how do you work smart? Well you can start with presenting your core,
marketing message to your targeted audience in a way that engages the
spirit, informs the intellect, and embeds in the mind. And if you want
to be cutting edge, the way to do it is with audio and video.

What A Difference A Difference Makes

Anybody who has ever tried to raise money for a project from a
bank, or contacted an ad agency for help has heard the question, "What
makes your company different?" If you don't have a different product,
different process, or different way of doing or presenting what you do,
you are never going to raise a cent or make an impact on the market.
Yet most companies blindly continue to follow the market leader, and
wonder why they never attain the level of success they hope to achieve.

If you want to be a success, you have to reinvent your company as
something unique, so when the time comes to present your redefined
vision to the world, you will actually have something to say, and
something worth listening to.

Lateral Thinking, The Creative Laxative

Once you've decided to develop a video marketing message that focuses
on what makes you different, you will want to know where begin.

This is a creative process that can be scary to business executives
trained in left-brain linear thinking. Learning to think creatively is
hard and for most people it goes against everything they have learned.

Creative thinking has been called 'thinking outside the box,'
right-brain thinking, or simply thinking differently. Author Edward De
Bono calls it 'Lateral Thinking.' De Bono argues linear thinking
stifles imagination because it suffices at the first seemingly
acceptable solution rather than looking for innovative alternatives:

"In ordinary traditional thinking we have developed no methods for
going beyond the adequate. As soon as something is satisfactory our
thinking must stop."

- Edward De Bono

Where You Begin Is Where You End

One method of jump-starting the creative process is to think
backward: you begin at the end, because where you're going will inform
how you get there.

Create Your Memory Tag or Slogan

A well thought-out slogan or tag line focuses attention on the
critical point-of-differentiation, the thing that establishes your
brand identity. A good slogan serves as a memory device, a positioning
tool that implants itself in your audience's mind and stays there.

No matter how many times the advertising agencies convince the
'pooh-bahs' at Coca-Cola to change their slogan, Coke will forever be
"The Real Thing," and Pepsi will be "The Choice of a New Generation,"
at least to my generation.

These were excellent examples of how to focus on a single element and
establish a differentiating identity between competing products that
for the most part are just about the same. Then of course you have 7-Up
with "The Uncola" slogan that was the best of the bunch, but was
unfortunately dumped for some lame reason.

Each of these soft drink slogans established market-turf for their
company, and each helped differentiate the product while establishing
identity in the audience's mind; and no place is anything said about
cost, quality, or any of the other conventional selling points that
small companies are so fond of touting.

Develop Your Story

A well-designed video commercial takes your audience through the
three stages of storytelling: The Setup with inciting incident, The
Crisis with problem escalation, and The Resolution with viewer

Your slogan or tag is the punch line that highlights your resolution;
it's what you want your audience to remember; it's your marketing
message destination; and it's where you want to end. Now all you have
to do is work backwards to the beginning.

This method of development helps you avoid saying too much: yes,
there are many things you want to say, most of which are valid, some of
which are relevant, but few of which are applicable to the delivery of
an effective Web video presentation. The more you say to an audience,
the less they hear. Stick to a simple story that leads to a resolution
based on your memorable punch line or what TV screenwriters call 'the

Invent Your Hook

Once you have your basic commercial storyline with a beginning,
middle, and end, you need to make sure you have a hook: the thing
that's going to pique audience curiosity and make them stick around
long enough to view the entire presentation. The hook should center on
the 'inciting incident:' the motivating situation that propels your
onscreen representative to find a solution to the problem at hand that
ultimately leads to the resolution represented in your 'button' or
punch line.

The Geico Caveman is a great example of a hook that demands
attention, and draws the audience into the series of mini dramas that
constitute this award winning ad campaign; all based on an incredibly
simple, yet brilliant, tag: "So Easy A Caveman Could Do It." You don't
need expensive special effects or exotic locations; all you need is an
imagination and a message that can be delivered with a memorable one
line "button."

About The Author

Jerry Bader is Senior Partner at MRPwebmedia, a website design firm that specializes in Web-audio and Web-video. Visit,, and Contact at or telephone (905) 764-1246.

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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Good Nameplate Design: The Rules

New businesses need a logo that speaks, that is easily recognizable,
that has style. Good nameplates are an extension of a good logo.

Manufacturers often try to emulate the nameplate design of the most
recognizable brands in their respective industry, often at a great
expense: quality design. While a brand might have a strong identity and
a legacy of quality, a closer look at its branding techniques may
reveal conceptual flaws that new businesses must avoid. Take Marshall
Amplification, the gold standard of the rock n roll sound: its
nameplate is one of the worst—a white, cheap plastic nameplate
with the company name in cursive. In imitating a nameplate with poor
design and construction such as Marshall’s, competitors look
cheap and lack the cutting edge; it is more difficult for these
fledging products and companies to stand out.

So what are the rules of good nameplate design?

Use a medium that compliments the packaging of your product. Labels
and even domed labels are run-of-the-mill—they do not speak with
any authority. Three-dimensional plastic or metallic nameplates,
however, not only present your brand visually but also allows the user
to actually touch your brand, creating a visceral, multi-sensorial
attachment between product and consumer. Customization options for 3-D
plastic and metal nameplates allow for greater design control in the
configuration of your nameplate.

Give your copy/logo room to breathe. On a nameplate, just as on a
printed page, white space is a critical part of design. Make sure there
is enough background so that the background adds depth to the logo. The
right perspective between copy and background is key.

Emphasize color. A nameplate with a spot of color instead of just black
and silver will always have more pop. But monochromatic
nameplates—i.e. black-on-black or contrasting shades of
silver—remain iconic and cool.

Complement your copy with an appropriate background design. Square
corner backgrounds, for example, work best with block style lettering
and script or italic copy look better with radius corners, or ovals and
circles. You should always layout your copy in several different
background shapes to get a feel for the best aesthetics for your

Mix materials and manufacturing processes. For a look that will make
your nameplate/logo stand out from the crowd, mix mediums and materials
in the manufacture of your nameplate. Domed nameplates—especially
those with four-color intricate design—look great in bezels or as
a part of the nameplate. When you combine the color of doming into a
molded or metal nameplate, the branding takes on a totally different
look. Molded logos in etched metal nameplates can also add splash or
vice versa.

For additional information about nameplates and examples of customized designs, visit

About The Author

Steve Begor is the founder and president of
ID3 and an expert on identity manufacturing and marketing. This article
may be reprinted and distributed, but proper attribution and linkage to is required.

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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There Is No Clear Path To Network Marketing Success. Or Is There?

Network Marketing is a relatively recent marketing concept which has
the end purpose of increasing profits and returns. Network Marketing is
also addressed by the term Multi-level Marketing (or MLM); this idea
initiates its marketing campaign by identifying people who would be
interested in the business and would like to contribute towards its
success and profits. Network Marketing success can be attained
depending on the people involved, efforts made and their marketing

Companies use Network Marketing to advertise their products and as a
result, generate business by inviting prospects to join the business
and people to buy the products offered.

Network Marketing is an abstract phenomenon and there is no clear road
map to follow that would guarantee success and goal attainment.
Consequently, it becomes difficult to ascertain techniques and methods
that would yield desirable results. Some practices would work with
certain people while other methodologies are needed to approach a
different set of products and a different segment of people. This
discrepancy from case to case turns Network Marketing success into an
illusion at times. Bu that’s not true.

Although there are no clear strategies that would assure profits,
following in the footsteps of successful network marketers might
provide some guiding principles. The proposals and suggestions that
have worked previously with other network marketers might prove
lucrative for similar businesses. Reading and learning about success
stories of experienced network marketers will help to get a grasp of
the techniques that are implemented and how far they have been

Network Marketing has become increasingly popular with the rising fame
of the Internet; this provides numerous opportunities to businesses to
adopt Network Marketing as the medium to increase business and profits.
However, in the absence of any clear-cut proven techniques, Network
Marketing success depends on the creativity and the reach of the
marketing strategies implemented by the marketers. Such strategies
should be executed that match the money, effort and available resources
you have set for the project.

Network Marketing success promises a good income. The requirements
to become a successful Network Marketer are good communication,
analyzing and probing skills. Together, this mix will help to transform
you into a promising player of the Network Marketing business. A
universal rule can be to increase your personal network by interacting
with people and socializing as this will help to create contacts; these
contacts can be approached later for purposes of prospecting.

In a nutshell, there is no clear path that will lead you to Network
Marketing success. However, perseverance and passion will help to
promote the business effectively thereby yielding returns in the form
of increased attention and profits. Inquire about previously successful
strategies and try to tweak them to suit the situation at hand; and
learn from others’ mistakes as this will prevent you from
repeating them.

About The Author

Yoshi Kundagawa is a freelance journalist.
He writes about entrepreneurs, mlm and network marketing. You can read
his articles about network marketing success, at his blog:

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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Internet Marketing And List Building: Forget Programs, Build Your List

Internet marketing newbies constantly have opportunities flung in their
faces. There are a few that might be good, with good products behind
them, but probably only for a while. Other programs are just so-so and
the owners make a bulk of the income. Then, there are the Internet
marketing scams, which you should avoid--totally.

Let's continue on the premise that you've found a solid program and
you're really eager to make it work for you. You may even be making
some money from it. But let's think about this: If you concentrate on
it alone, and you're building this huge downline, what about emailing
them? You can't do it for any reason, other than about company business
or you'll be kicked out of the program. Should you be doing this?

Obviously, you can. Yet, what happens when you've spent all your
time and energy and maybe money on getting this program really going
great. That would be awesome, and you'd have a real sense of
achievement, an income even. Great. But...

Did you know that most Internet marketing and other Internet
businesses fail within the first year? That doesn't necessarily mean
that your program will, but I can almost guarantee that when there are
so many people in it that it becomes unpopular because there's just no
money to be made anymore, it will fail. Then what? Start all over and
do it again?

Here's the thing. Most Internet marketing newbies don't understand
that programs aren't the answer. Even some people with time online
don't get it. There is only one thing that will keep your business
running, and that's a list of customers behind you, that know you, that
trust you, that like your personality, and that buy. You'll always have
a certain percentage of people on your list that buy what you recommend
because they trust you and know it's a good product.

How about this scenario? You have worked really hard at list
building all the while you were building your MLM business. But guess
what? The MLM dies off and you don't care! You have a list of 10,000
people who are willing to look at anything you send to them, and a
certain percentage of them will always buy. You can sell them a product
that you develop or become an affiliate for someone else and sell their
products and still have an income. Can you see how powerful having a
list of your own is now?

My best advice to you, especially if you're an Internet marketing
newbie, is to forget the hype. Get away from it and settle yourself
down to building a list. List building is the only thing that will keep
your business going. If you aren't doing it now, start today! See my
resource box for my step-by-step program. It's a very quick way to get

Yet, whatever you do, whether you follow me or someone else, start
list building today. If you aren't going to do that, don't buy into one
more program, get another ebook, or buy more productivity software. If
you aren't list building, you may as well just close the doors forget
it. Ignoring list building is not an option.

About The Author

Tellman Knudson is all about Internet
marketing, and list building is his forte. Learn to build a powerful
list in just 9 hours when you visit My First List at

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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How To Exceed Your Borrower's Expectations.

Step 1: Build Rapport

Anyone can take an application and price up a loan. Take the time to
get to know your borrower. Find out what challenges they're facing and
what their goals are.

Question them about their interests. Everyone has a hot button.
Some people like to discuss sports, others money, and still others are
family oriented. Find your borrower's hot button, be genuinely
interested, and they'll look forward to speaking to you.

Step 2: Be a Consultant.

Take the time to coach your borrowers to ensure they get the best deal available.

Think of yourself as a manager of your borrower's debt in the same
way a financial consultant advises their clients about their assets.
Important questions to ask may include current and future financial
challenges and/or goals.

For example: Do they have kids that plan to go to school? Do they
have a plan to get out of debt? Do they have retirement plan in place?

Another great technique is to review your borrower's credit with
them. An increase of 20 points on their credit report can save your
borrowers over $100,000.00 on a 30 year loan. Your borrowers will
appreciate and remember the extra effort.

A great site for FREE credit repair tips is

Step 3: Keep your borrower informed.

Borrowers can't stand not knowing what's going on with their loan.
They begin to think you've forgotten about them. Make an effort to at
least send them a daily email with their current status. It's easy if
you knock it out first thing each morning.

Step 4: Send a Thank You card.

For most people, their home is their largest investment. They
trusted you with their livelihood. Show your appreciation with a
handwritten thank you card. I guarantee referrals will follow.

Step 5: Stay in touch.

No one wants to be cast aside. Keep your name in front of your
borrowers with a newsletter. They'll stay abreast of mortgage news, get
the impression that you're thinking of them, and they'll get other
helpful tips as well.

I recommend They have low minimum orders, come in full color, and you can include your picture or logo.

For more mortgage marketing tips go to

About The Author

Brian Diez

I've been in the financial sevices field for over 7 years and have
had some incredible success. I cracked the code and unlocked the
secrets of mortgage marketing. Now I'll share them with you.

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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Promote Your Local Business Online And Offline

Nowadays, many people search online for services instead of reaching
for the phone book. To increase your online exposure your pages should
include your street address, zip code, phone number, and five-digit zip
code. Include place names in the title tag such as “the name of
your city and your service.” When you seek links to your site
contact local businesses. A noncompeting local business should be
interested in exchanging links with you. Make sure that the anchor text
includes the name of your city. List your business within local
business directories. If you are a member of you local chamber of
commerce, ask for a link from their website.

Submit To Directories

Links from directories are some of the most valuable links you can
get. Note: Directories are not the same as search engines. A link from
a directory will help your search engine ranking. There are thousands
of online directories, but some are more significant than others. In
addition to directories such as the Open Directory Project, some of the
most important search engines such as Yahoo and Google have directories
of their own.

Some of the greatest advantages of submitting your site to directories are you get:

* One-way links. Remember, one-way links are more valuable than reciprocal links;

* Potentially qualified clients repeatedly see your listing.

Obtaining links from directories drive an increasing amount of
traffic to your site. In addition, you are improving your ranking
within search engines such as Google and Yahoo. Once you submit your
site information to a directory, it may take weeks or even months to
get listed.

While many directories are free, don’t be surprised when you
are asked to pay for submission. Certain directories promise to
expedite the submission process for paying customers. Directories
provide you with a constant stream of visitors and highly valuable
one-way links, be sure they are part of your marketing strategy.

Submit Your Site to Industry Sites and Specialized Directories

Because a link from a relevant site is more important than one from
an irrelevant site, links from industry sites and specialized
directories are highly valuable. If your business is a member of
professional associations, ask for a link to your site. The more links
you obtain from related websites, the more likely your site will be
considered an authority site.

Searching online you will find directories focused on your
particular industry such as business coaching, accounting, retail, and
such. You almost certainly belong to various trade associations that
list member sites. Contact the Webmaster and ask for a link. You may
get a link for free or you may be required to pay a fee, either way, it
is worth it.

About The Author

George Meszaros with Webene

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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Affiliate Programs - The Best Ones to Start


Affiliate programs are possibly the easiest type of online business to start running. Why?

Well, in order to start any online business you need a product or
service to sell. First, you need to create the product. Then, you will
have to create a website, write advertisements and set up a marketing
plan. If it's a physical product you are selling then you're going to
be limited by the amount of time it takes to make or buy the item,
package it and ship it. Then, there's the issue of accepting payments
and filling orders. We haven't even started talking about refunds and

This is a daunting task especially if you've never run an internet business.


So, what ARE affiliate programs?

Affiliate programs allow you to be the "sales force" for someone else's
product or service and earn commissions for each sale. You may be
pretty internet savvy without ever noticing that many companies offer
you the ability to become an affiliate. Check for the "affiliate
program" links which are placed in a discreet manner on many sites. One
big advantage is that you do not need to build a website (though you
can) or handle the transaction or fill the order. Your job is to drive
traffic (customers) to your affiliate link. When a sale is made, the
affiliate will send you a commission!

Signing up to become an affiliate is usually a pretty simple task. It
usually involves filling out a web page providing some basic
information about yourself. In turn, the company will give you an
affiliate link. This is a special URL code that will identify that a
customer came to the company's site from your advertising. It is
usually the website address with a code attached to the end.

What Commissions Does the Program Pay?

It is very important that you know how much you can expect to earn from
a sale. There is no point in spending time and money promoting a
product that pays very small commissions. You could end up spending
more on marketing than you make on sales. It is probably best to stick
with marketing products with a high commission value, unless you have
found a niche market where you can sell vast quantities of product, and
make substantial commissions on your volume of sales.

How Much Traffic is their Website Getting?

Try to discover the amount of traffic the affiliate owner's website is
already receiving. is a very useful tool for doing this
research. If the website is ranked in the top 100,000, the merchant is
getting a good volume of traffic, so it's possible that there may
already be too many affiliates. If it is ranked below 500,000 it may be
no good, or it could be a golden opportunity to make some real money by
becoming one of the first affiliates!

Always research a merchant's product if their website has a low traffic
ranking. It may be a good idea to buy the product yourself if you can
afford it. Otherwise you could do a search to find out if there are any
negative reviews about it on the internet. Be careful who you listen to
though because many people are in the habit of bashing affiliate
programs with nothing to really support their comments. If you find a
large amount of negative reviews with little positive ones then it
would probably be a good idea to stay away from that affiliate program.

How Often Are Affiliate Commissions Paid?

Some affiliate programs pay commissions every week; some once a month,
others only pay every quarter. It is important that you know how often
you can expect a pay check if you are going to have financial control
over your business. Do you have the financial resources to continue to
market a product if you have to wait a long time before you get paid?
It would also be wise to find out the minimum commission that you have
to earn before you get paid.

Does The Affiliate Program Use Tracking Cookies?

Many customers do not buy on their first visit to a merchant's website.
It is important therefore that the merchant uses cookies for their
affiliate program, so that you get credit if the customer returns and
buys at a later date. Check out how long the cookies last. The longer
the cookies lasts; the better the chances of you getting paid!

Does the Affiliate Program Pay on Subsequent Sales?

Some programs will only pay commission on sales that come through
customers visiting their site via a direct link from your site. They
pay you nothing for any subsequent purchases that the customer makes if
they visit the merchants site directly. It is important that you get
paid no matter what route the customer returns by if you are to build a
sustainable affiliate business.

What Marketing Resources Does the Affiliate Program Offer?

Look at the type and quality of the marketing resources that they
provide. Do they provide articles, advertisements, or other content
that you can use to put on your site? Do they provide free guides,
special offers, free viral e-books, or product samples that you can
send to your list? If the marketing material they provide is good then
it is likely that the business will provide good support for their

Finding the right affiliate program for you can be tough to do. The
best advice is to do your own research, follow the advice above, and
listen to your instincts. Use the above questions as an aid to finding
an affiliate program that enables you to reach your financial goals.
You never know... You might just strike affiliate marketing gold!

Is their website professional?

Your reputation is on the line every time you promote a product or
service. If you're sending your traffic to a website that is on free
hosting or just looks unprofessional, then you're going to lose the
confidence of your subscribers. Now, many sales letters aren't 'pretty'
but they are grammatically correct, and everything is functional, with
pictures and testimonials. So, although the website doesn't have to be
beautiful, it does need to look 'live'.

Is their website easy to navigate?

If shoppers can't figure out how to purchase, then there's no point in sending your traffic there.

What are the numbers?

If you have two programs you like equally well, you can choose between
them or write reviews for each and compare and contrast their benefits.
Or, if that doesn't fit into your site, then test both to see which
gives you the best results.

Free trial?

Any product that offers samples or service that offers a free trial
deserves a look. If you can offer your website visitors a sample of any
sort to get them hooked, you'll have much higher results than trying to
convince them that the product is good.

Are there any tools to help you?

The best affiliate programs go above and beyond in their tools and
resources section. Not only do they provide the standard text links and
buttons and banners, but you also have solo mailings, articles, and
even product feeds. These are the affiliate programs that 'get it'.

Once you find an affiliate program that you love, it's still smart to
continue to test the results. Just because you think it's great doesn't
mean you visitors will. Continually look at the statistics to see how
much traffic you're sending and if any of it is converting. If you're
not getting results and you're sending a lot of traffic, then you might
want to look at a new program.


ATTN : Webmasters and Ezine Publishers:

Free Content for your newsletter or your website! You are invited to
use this article in your newsletter or website. The only requirement is
the inclusion of the author's bio and link to the URL displayed.

About The Author

John J Farina is a successful affiliate
marketer. He provides expert reviews on which affiliate programs to
join and which ones to avoid like the plague. He shows people how to
actually generate substantial income on-line using very simple, easily
modeled systems. An example of such a system that you can study and
duplicate is at:

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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Using Free Advertising

I have written a couple of articles about Advertising, and what a real
headache it can be. Lately I have been asked how I earn a profit using
only free advertising. So I thought I should share some of my insights
with others who are still struggling financially online.

First of all I want to point out that if you have the resources to
do Pay Per Click, by all means do so. This is the best way to get
clients to your website. But as the old saying goes “Do not put
all your eggs in one basket”.

Free advertising is an excellent way to get “your feet
wet” with online marketing. Just don’t expect huge success
right away. There are a lot of people out there using this form of
advertising. You have to keep on top of it every day, every hour. On
some advertising sites, the ads rotate faster than you can put them on
the site. If you can afford it, purchase a good program for submitting
your ads on a rotation. These are especially helpful if you don’t
have hours to spend in front of the computer.


The use of online forums is growing daily. These are a good source
of information, and a great spot to advertise your products. The people
on forums are there because they believe in online marketing. They are
a captured audience. When you are on forums, make sure you follow their
rules. You cannot go on most forums and just start advertising on every
thread, this gets very annoying for everyone involved and will in some
cases get you banned from the forum. So be sure and read the rules
before you post. Also ask questions, answer questions, and always make
sure your website address is in your signature. You will meet some
great people and get ideas for advertising on most every forum you
join. It is a wonderful source for free advertising.


Who knew when you were taking high school grammar, that one-day you
would actually put some of what you learned to use. I certainly never
thought of it, to me it was just a requirement to graduate and move on
with my life. I hated this particular course: but I am digressing.

Articles are a main stay of any online business. If you look up any
topic on the Internet, you will find someone who has put his or her
thoughts on “paper” and published it worldwide. The
Internet has become a writers dream. You can write about anything and
everything. There is no limitation; only your imagination. Write some
useful articles about your business. Write some articles about your

I recently wrote an article about Data Entry, which is one of the
products I sell, I received several hits to my website from that one

Publish your articles on any and all ezines. Again, there are programs
available that will do this for you, but you can do it on your own.
Make a list of different article websites and publish. Some article
websites want only original material, so with one article change the
title and opening sentence, just change things around in the article so
that the same wording is not on every site. Most article sites,
however, will publish the same articles; it is only a few that require
you to do this.


Remember with any free advertising site, yours is not the only ad for
online business. There will be quite a few. Make your ad unique; offer
something the others aren’t offering. In one short sentence you
have to capture the audience attention. Why should they buy from you
and not your competitor? You have a very short time to get people to
look at your website, and hopefully purchase.

With these types of free advertising sites, you have to keep on top of
where your ad located on the site.. Daily I check each of my ads on
each site I have put an ad on to see where it is placed. If it is off
the first page, I resubmit my ad.

Make sure when using free advertising sites that you are putting your
ads in the correct category. On some sites you can use Business
Opportunities, Work At Home, Jobs, Employment. If the ad sites let you,
use all these categories to advertise your business. That brings you
total for the one site up to at least 4 ads at one time.

Now that you have the basics of how I use free advertising, you are
probably wondering how I found over 200 forums, ezines, and free
advertising sites.

It is really simple. #1 Go to every search engine and type in Free
Advertising Sites, ezines, and business forums bookmark every site. Go
to the next search engine and look for ones that were not in the first
search engine and so forth. #2 Once you have done your search, go to
your bookmarks and make separate folders for forums, advertising sites,
and ezines, and separate what you have saved.

Another good source for finding new sites are forums. As I said before
people on forums are very generous in sharing ideas. They are also a
great source for finding other advertising sites.

In closing I would like to point out that free advertising takes time,
patience, and tenacity. The more you advertise the more your site will
get picked up in the search engines for ranking.

About The Author

Nancy Kraska has been involved with internet
marketing since September, 2004. For more information visit her
directory of Work At Home Ideas and Opportunities at Home Work For You

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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How To Stage A Viral Marketing Campaign That Works

There are all sorts of ways to initiate a viral marketing campaign that
brings targeted traffic straight to you, but one of the best is through
the use of free ebooks.

A viral marketing ebook is something that can be distributed to
numerous people with relative ease. With each new person that receives
one of your free ebooks, you gain an opportunity to make a profit from
your products and services or from an affiliate's products or services.

There are three major components that are necessary to creating a viral marketing campaign that works:

Wide Distribution

There are many ebook writers who charge for their creation. It's
common practice. But the fact is, charging for ebooks is not the best
way to achieve wide distribution. People love items that are free or
discounted. By offering free ebooks, you ensure a wide distribution for
your campaign. If you allow the books to be redistributed or rebranded,
you practically guarantee more targeted traffic, and in turn, more
profit for you.

Quality Content

The quality of your free ebooks is important. Readers aren't
impressed with spelling and grammar errors. In fact, such problems may
cause the reader to stop reading altogether, or worse, create distrust
in the products and services that are mentioned. If the ebook isn't
professional, your targeted traffic won't take you seriously.

In addition to avoiding content errors, you will also want to make
sure that any affiliate links that are featured within the free ebooks
are somehow relevant to the content and title of the ebooks. For
example, you don't want to be discussing a subject like dog walking and
then thrown in a random link for a domain registration services. It is
much better to weave the affiliate link into your writing so that its
appearance seems natural. Readers will respond to this much faster than
they would to a high pressured and sloppy sales technique.

Maximum Return

If you want to make sure that you get the maximum return possible
on your viral marketing campaign, you will need to get the rebranding
balance just right in your free ebooks. The best way to do this is by
making sure that the links are for your own products or for products
that you have resale rights to. You can also use links that are for
2-tier affiliate programs, ensuring that you collect the second tier
commission when a rebrander makes a sale.

When done properly, using a viral marketing campaign that centers
around free ebooks can bring you the targeted traffic you need. You
will make profit time and time again, with very little effort on your

About The Author

Cliff Posey, owner of CRP Marketing, owns and operates
Cliff Posey has also operated several other successful web businesses
including Love Song Cards and Radio Career Consultants. The content in
this article was developed from his experience in these businesses.

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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"Folksonomies" - a New Viral Marketing Tool

A new consumer phenomenon is called "tagging" or "folksonomies" (short
for folks and taxonomy). Tagging is powerful because consumers are
creating an organizational structure for online content. Folksonomies
not only enable people to file away content under tags, but, even
better, share it with others by filing it under a global taxonomy that
they created.

Here's how tagging works. Using sites such as - a
bookmark sharing site – and Flickr - a photo sharing site -
consumers are collaborating on categorizing online content under
certain keywords, or tags.

For instance, an individual can post photographs of their iPod on
Flickr and file it under the tag "iPod." These images are now not only
visible under the individual user's iPod tag but also under the
community iPod tag that displays all images consumers are generating
and filing under the keyword. Right now Flickr has more than 3,500
photos that are labeled "iPod."

Tagging is catching on because it is a natural complement to search.
Type the word "blogs" into Google and it can't tell if you are
searching for information about how to launch a blog, how to read
blogs, or just what. Large and small sites alike are already getting on
to the folksonomy train. They are rolling out tag-like structures to
help users more easily locate content that's relevant to them.

Although tags are far from perfect, marketers should, nevertheless,
be using them to keep a finger on the pulse of the American public.
Start subscribing to RSS feeds to monitor how consumers are tagging
information related to your product, service, company or space. These
are living focus groups that are available for free, 24/7. Folksonomy
sites can be also be carefully used to unleash viral marketing
campaigns - with a caveat. Marketers should be transparent in who they
are, why they are posting the link/photos and avoid spamming the

About The Author

Brian McQuirk

Webmaster and owner of

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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Using Internet Marketing Strategy Can Double Your Sales Overnight

Do you have an Internet marketing strategy for your online business?
You should. Internet marketing and Internet advertising, when done
properly, can drive traffic to your website and practically double your
sales overnight. In fact, advertising your site may be the only way for
you to compete with larger, more established competitors.

While there are many different forms of Internet marketing strategy
that you can employ, one of the easiest and most reliable forms is
results tracking. When you track the results of your Internet
advertising campaigns, you can quickly learn what works and what
doesn't work. For obvious reasons, this method is much better than a
random hit and miss advertising method, which can turn out to be quite
costly, not to mention ineffective.

Of course, this form of Internet marketing strategy isn't anything
new. Direct marketers have been using results tracking for years, and
it can easily be adapted for the Internet. The key is to come up with a
way to measure the results of Internet advertising accurately. If
you're tracking is not accurate, there is little to no point in doing

To make sure their tracking results are accurate, many direct
marketers use a trick known as split testing. Split testing uses a
specific key or tracking device to associate a sale with the
advertisement that produced the sale.

For example, in a print ad, the key or tracking device that may be
used could be a specific phone number or extension. When a customer
utilizes the number or extension, the marketer knows exactly which ad
drove the customer to seek out the advertised product or service. If
the same ad produced repeated sales, the marketer knows that the
advertising is effective and worth doing again. On the other hand, if
the ad didn't even produce enough sales to pay for the advertising,
then the marketer knows not to try that again.

The same split testing method used by direct marketers can easily
be adapted and incorporated into your Internet marketing strategy,
allowing you to determine exactly how effective or ineffective your
Internet advertising is.

To track the success and failure of Internet advertising, most
Internet marketers typically use some sort of tracking software to
associate the key with sales. A simple way to do this is to develop two
web pages that feature two different ads. You can then track the sales
results of each ad to see which worked best, and if necessary, adjust
your Internet marketing strategy accordingly.

For example, let's say that on one of the pages, you received a
total of 2,000 page views and 20 sales. This means that you have a
success rate of one percent. Not bad. This is the average for both
direct mail advertising and Internet advertising. Now that you have
this information, you have statistics you can rely on. You can test
other pages to see if they perform better or worse. You can also adapt
the original pages to see if your changes have any effect on the sales
outcome. For example, try adjusting headlines, graphics, text, and
anything else you can think of. Then, compare the results of these
changes to the original results.

After you have tested different variations of your Internet
advertising, you can quickly determine exactly what works and what
doesn't. Your Internet market strategy and any future advertising that
you do can then be adjusted accordingly. If you succeed, you may be
able to double your sales without throwing away good money over and
over again on advertising that doesn't

About The Author

Cliff Posey, owner of CRP Marketing, owns and operates
Cliff Posey has also operated several other successful web businesses
including Love Song Cards and Radio Career Consultants. The content in
this article was developed from his experience in these businesses.

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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Fun Promotional Items That Will Make Customers Laugh

Laughter is the best medicine in many situations. When you are feeling
low, a good laugh will make you feel better. When you are happy, a
funny item will allow you to share your happiness with everyone around
you. As a business owner, why not make this easy for your customers?
Give them funny promotional items to brighten their day and put a smile
on their faces.

Some of the funniest promotional items on the market are little
“logo bugs”. These funny, pom-pom animals and characters
with the googly eyes will brighten up whatever area they are placed in.
Since they are so cute and simple, a smile will certainly be found on
every face reading the witty sayings on the attached mini-banners. So
small and inexpensive, you can have them anywhere as a promotional tool
for you business.

Another popular giveaway item that is fun for all ages is the
yo-yo. Easily imprinted with your company name and logo, yo-yos can be
given out at any function your company might be attending. Even when
you have more sophisticated promotional items for the adults, you can
provide these low cost yo-yos as promotional items for all the kids.
Watch their faces light up as they try to use these toys to do
tricks…or even just because they got a promotional item just for

Frisbees, boomerangs and other various “flyers” can
also be wonderful and fun promotional items for the entire family.
Available in a wide variety of colors and designs, these products can
provide hours of entertainment and laughs. You can even have these
products where pets are the focus, since many customers will enjoy
having something they can use when they play with their pet.

The numerous stress toys available today can also be fun, in their
own way. Usually made up in funny character shapes, these promotional
gifts can be distributed to employees, as well as prospective
customers. Even if they do not get an initial laugh, the fatigue and
stress they do relieve can make it easier for those using them to smile
and laugh later.

As with all promotional items, those that are “fun” and
can make your customers laugh come in a wide range of prices, sizes and
colours. Look around and find just the right fun promotional products
for your business. You will certainly be able to find one or more that
will fit into your promotional needs.

For more information on promotional items, products, corporate gifts or
corporate items check out some of the leading online suppliers today
where you can tap into their wealth of experience to ensure that your
next marketing campaign is well targeted and sets off on the right

Search through their online catalogues for fun, exciting and original
promotional products for your next marketing campaign or trade show and
request a 1hr quote from YesGifts to find out how easily and
inexpensively you can advertise your business today. Don’t forget
to check out their special offers and great deals on selected items.

About The Author

Tina Rinaudo is one of the leading lights in
the UK promotional products industry. Tina is a key member of YesGifts,
the UK's fastest growing online promotional items resource specialising
in promotional pens, mugs, mouse mats, umbrellas, conference items and
much more. For more information please visit

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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5 Keys For Successful MLM Lead Capture Pages

An mlm lead capture page is a web page that, when the visitor "lands"
on it, she is asked to opt-in to some type of list in order to proceed
further. On some mlm lead capture pages, your only options are to
opt-in or leave.

Internet marketers make list building their top priority. When you
effectivelycollect the email address, along with permission to
follow-up,then you will get other opportunities to make the sale later.

An mlm lead capture page, generally, has some attractive bullets on
it, and does a thorough job of explaining what the reader will be able
to access after she enters her data. The enticing offer on the mlm lead
capture page, should have the visitor salivating to get at what's
behind that "door," is essential.

The mlm lead capture page can be hosted anywhere but it needs to
have at least one thing on it to be effective... a way to capture a
person's email address.

If you set up an incentive-laden mlm lead capture web page (by
incentive I mean a contest or freebie for providing their email
address) that has a short tag line about your product or service
combined with a 2 line form consisting of name and email address you
have a simple yet incredibly powerful marketing tool.

Your only real job becomes promoting your mlm lead capture pages.
One critical toll is an autoresponder system that once set up requires
little or no maintenance on your part.

Now when a person sees your incentive laden lead capture page on a
they can quickly scan your opportunity and provide a minimum of
information (nobody likes filling in forms, especially when they only
have 15 seconds to decide on your offer).

Freebies work well, free downloads, contests, giveaways. People
like free stuff and this gives you a nice way to build up credibility
with your customer.

To take this a step further you can track your campaigns by replacing the URL for your product with an Ad tracking URL.

Make sure you set up a different ad tracking URL for each lead
capture page or email message and you can truly see how well each of
your campaigns are performing in real time.

Once you gather the guests' data you have the ability to create an online business relationship with them.

Once a visitor enters the form on your mlm lead capture page it
should be made clear that you will be including them in an email record
where they may get priceless data and resources. Email lists work
effectively when used accurately because they provide the reader the
repetition of viewing your business name, which can produce a great
brand name for you. You may easily do this by providing your list users
with good resources, helpful data, and even concessions and sales just
for them making for effective mlm lead capture pages.

About The Author

Jon Roussel is a successful internet
marketer in Beverly, MA He helps people succeed with a home based
business that will generate a long term reliable leveraged residual
income. Learn more at

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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Quit Being a Salesperson

Many sales are lost because of "sales." To be successful in this
profession requires listening to the customer. Unfortunately as
salespeople, we often hear so many different things that we feel the
need to provide solutions for all of their problems. When this happens,
sales professionals can overwhelm the customer, causing them to become
confused, and, ultimately, losing any sale.

For the salesperson, it all begins when Marketing comes out with what
they perceive as the greatest new product or service to hit the market.
Marketing will proclaim that their latest creation will solve all of
the problems any customer has or could possible ever have. They
continue to lay it on with an assortment of product characteristics all
matched to whatever issues the customer has.

Meanwhile, attentive salespeople absorb this information and
subconsciously begin to look for ways to apply everything Marketing has
proclaimed. It's only natural for sales professionals to believe the
information and to assume that it applies to everyone. Once they adapt
this mindset, one of the biggest "quiet mistakes" in Sales occurs. It's
not an error made in front of a customer such as misquoting a price or
missing a key date. Rather, it's a "quiet mistake" because it happens
long before a sales call, and, therefore, becomes hard to see how it
could result in a lost sales.

Anytime a salesperson is dealing with a customer, patience must be
exhibited to not only find out what their needs are, but also to
discover which particular need best matches what is being offered.
Unfortunately, salespeople often do not take the time to validate the
needs they hear. Instead, they treat all of the needs as being equal,
remember what Marketing has told them, and begin to think they've come
across the perfect customer for their product/service. This is where
many sales are lost because the salesperson does not narrow their
focus. Therefore, it is critical for sales professionals to think
"sale", not "sales."

Top performing salespeople are confident of their skills and their
ability to close a sale. They focus on helping the customer fulfill
their primary need. Average salespeople, on the other hand, attempt to
satisfy numerous needs and in so doing, end up losing the sales by
overwhelming the customer.

The key to being a successful salesperson is to focus on selling to the
primary need of the customer, not on multiple needs. This will result
in a higher closing percentage and, in the long-run, allow you the
opportunity to continue the relationship by helping the customer solve
the other issues they have identified.

About The Author

Mark Hunter, "The Sales Hunter", is a sales
expert who speaks to thousands each year on how to increase their sales
profitability. For more information or to receive a free weekly sales
tip via email, contact "The Sales Hunter" at

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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14 Steps to Successful Cold-Calling

The vast majority of salespeople do not enjoy cold-calling. Yet, at the
same time, it is an activity that most need to do on a regular basis.
The biggest reason sales professionals are not more successful in this
necessary endeavor is the defense that they have other things to do.
However, nothing will overcome this excuse faster than being held
accountable for making a set number of cold calls each day, each week,
or each month.

As much as people would like to believe there is a secret formula for
being successful at cold-calling, the only valid one is being
disciplined enough to do it. When people avoid cold-calling, they are
generally telling themselves that either they don't know enough about
what they're selling or they don't believe the outcome will be
successful. For this simple reason, it is necessary to be confident in
yourself and what you are selling.

The following may be beneficial as you begin to practice this critical discipline.

1. Have a dedicated time each day to prospect.

2. Know the reason for calling before you call: customer benefits, not product features.

3. Leave short voice mail messages.

4. Assume your voice mail messages will never be returned.

5. Always call one level higher in an organization than you believe is necessary.

6. Be confident and competent.

7. Phone calls placed before 8:30 AM are the most likely to be answered by the person you're trying to reach.

8. Respect the gate-keeper by treating them in the same manner you would treat the prospect.

9. Prospecting calls on Monday mornings and Friday afternoons will have the worst results.

10. Prospecting on "semi-holidays" and inclement weather days will get a higher response.

11. Make it your goal to earn the right, privilege, and honor to talk to the person again.

12. Believe in what you're selling and the benefits that the prospect will receive from your products/services.

13. Believe in yourself and your professionalism.

14. Anytime is a good time to make a call; don't wait for the "perfect" time.

By practicing and persevering, both your skills and confidence will
improve. Furthermore, making yourself accountable will help you turn
your excuses into successful sales.

About The Author

Mark Hunter, "The Sales Hunter", is a sales
expert who speaks to thousands each year on how to increase their sales
profitability. For more information or to receive a free weekly sales
tip via email, contact "The Sales Hunter" at

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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An Internet Marketer's Gold Mine - Cultivate Good Habits

Let's face it: even when you stop doing your internet business, the
online world will still go on. So it is really up to you to be able to
stay afloat for as long as your possibly can and build something
meaningful out of your internet marketing business.

If you plan to be a good internet marketer, then you must be able to
have these on your checklist aside from harnessing your tools, making
plans and building your list. The character of a highly competent
internet marketer is what helps him not to rest on his laurels and
continue to take on higher levels in the ladder of success.

Availability to Answer Questions

Do not just rely on your autoresponders to talk back to your
subscribers. You must be able to meet the needs of your prospects. And
most prospects have specific concerns that your autoresponder may not
be sufficient or upgraded enough to answer.

If you are genuinely after providing services and products to your
prospects, you must be available for their questions. You must have a
number or email address from which they can contact you, and you must
also have the time to respond to queries that will definitely coming
your way.

Personality with a Personal Touch to All Correspondences

You must stand out among the sea of internet marketers. And the only
way to do that is to let yourself shine though and render your
marketing strategies with a personal touch. A sales letter does not
have to sound like a love letter, but it must not sound like it came
from a mechanical robot either.

Communicate positively that behind the followups is another human being
who is prepared to meet their needs. Trust me, you will need this all
of the time as you go about your business.

Openness to Change

You cannot expect that what worked for you a decade ago will continue
to work today. Do not unreasonably hold on to tradition and be open to
change. However, you must be able to balance the changes you will be
introducing. You must also be open to feedbacks and suggestions from
other people in your field.


While having an internet marketing business is relatively easier than
other 9-5 jobs, it is still no reason for you to be lazy. Being
hardworking is one of the marks of a true and well-meaning internet
marketer. You will not have to labor like a horse, but you must also be
willing to work hard to achieve your goals.

Persistence in Testing Things

Consistent testing is one of the best ways for you to update your
system. If you are always testing your tools persistently, you will
find that you will always be on top of your game. Testing what works
and what does not work for your system will ensure that you will not
keep inefficient techniques in your website and will help you maximize
your available resources.

About The Author

Joel Chritopher is known worldwide as the
MasterlistBuilder who can help you generate leads and increase you
profits. Find out more at

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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