Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Parsing search marketing, the ‘content pyramid’ and RSS strategies with Sam Whitmore

Posted by Dana Gardner @ 2:30 pm Categories: Software Infrastructure, Web Technology, Podcasts, Software Development, Internet, Enterprise 2.0 Tags: Software, Strategy, Marketing, RSS, Dana GardnerIn my work covering enterprise application development and deployment strategies, I often find myself also witnessing a sea-change in how software providers market their values. Software has always been a challenge to market, and many of the most innovative thinking in online marketing has come from the software industry.
I’m now seeing four distinct legs of support under the software marketing bench: 1) traditional internal marketing (web sites, downloads, product literature), 2) traditional external marketing (advertising, events, webinars, lists, email, newsletters), 3) viral (blogs, podcasts, videocasts, community sites, social media), and 4) search (all of the above plus tagging, sharing, community, relevance).
I’m also seeing a hastening shift from the second leg to the third and fourth, in terms of investment and expected return. Companies are moving the emphasis from tradition to social media.
Creating and distributing good content is essential to all these activities, and accelerates the movement to social networking and community development. I recently had a podcast conversation with Sam Whitmore, editor and proprietor of Sam Whitmore’s Media Survey, in which we discuss these themes along with the burgeoning role of RSS, community, conversations, and search.
Together we wonder whether the “public” relations community will soon gain a new cohort, the “search” relations person. It’s a new way to reach the public, the right public, and on the public’s terms. Their search terms. Search is the new media.
Here are some excerpts:
We’re now getting people to understand the concept of “You don’t have to browse anymore.” They still search, of course, probably more than ever before. But you think about the two ways … that people get their information now, it’s either through RSS syndication, or through search. And it’s almost quaint to think back about, “Yeah, I think I am going to go through my bookmarks and see what I haven’t visited in a while.” I don’t know anybody who does that anymore.
The idea is to start thinking strategically about your content. Instead of having thousands of people around your company, each creating their own content without much interaction about it, without much coordination about it — but perhaps a lot of overlap and a lack of reuse — adding to more of a case of redundancy. And that goes for everything from mimeographs to RSS feeds, and all in between.
But when you think about content more strategically — and can plan for and create core content that they can be reused and extended across different uses, like marketing literature, the documentation you provide for your services and products, your advertising, as well as your communications with your investors, with analysts, with press — you create more of a coordinated core set of messages and documents and content. And we’ll be seeing more audio and video increasingly in this mix.
If a company can create this content core and allow people to use it and make it accessible — in the same way as with the development of software tools and components — you can better control your costs; you can control better your message because more of your messaging will be in sync, because its all coming off of the same core.
Any company that has a strategic direction that they are taking their business to should say, “What are the keywords that relate to our future? What is the content we can create that will drive recognition from those keywords of our value, specifically as an individual company? And how can we create an ongoing process by which we’re feeding that algorithm machine over and over again to retain that high ranking?”
That to me is marketing 2.0.
I think that these IT trade titles and these people that are being rapidly disintermediated, they need to figure out how to get some of their content to rank well in generic search environments. And that brings us back to SEO and the fact that you can subscribe to RSS search results and these people really are getting hammered.
The way you go about a whitepaper is you do research, you get information and you do interviews — primary research. And what is an interview? It’s a discussion. Why not just create a great discussion with the experts and put that up, instead of putting it into some sort of a turgid-prose, 80-page tome that people only read the executive summary of?
Why not give the long tail its due and put up a series of five key discussions with the experts you would have interviewed anyway for the whitepaper, and let people either read the transcript or glance at the executive summary of each individual interview or discussion, and then pick and choose? To me that’s just a better way to learn. And it also, by the way, is a lot easier for the experts as well as the authors. So it really is a discussion.

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , mlm coder, internet marketing solution , online store script .

Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 Preview: The Desktop Gets a 1333MHz FSB

By the end of Summer, Intel's Conroe lineup will have ballooned from a meager five processors at launch to at least different 14 models. The once simple model number system is now well on its way to being the complicated mess that plagued the P4's system before it.
First it was the introduction of the value E4xxx series, then the larger cache Exx20 series, followed by the even cheaper E2xxx CPUs and now the new 1333MHz FSB processors.
The new 1333MHz FSB CPUs will end in the number 50 (e.g. E6750), with the exception of the E6540 which is also a 1333MHz CPU. Although Intel isn't announcing pricing at this point, we don't expect the new 1333MHz FSB CPUs to cost any more than their predecessors; in other words, we expect the E6750 to carry the same price tag as the E6700 does. We've included the post July 22nd price cuts for the unreleased Intel processors in the table below (note that current processors will fall in price as well, although the table reflects present day pricing for currently available CPUs), as well as pricing for chips to be released in Q4

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , mlm coder, internet marketing solution , online store script .

Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


One Bag at a Time by Bev Storer

Each time I go shopping I want to scream! Why?
What is it that irritates and upsets me so? What is it that literally makes me want to scream insanely when I see them! The culprit that turns my stomach and upsets me so is the ever so common PLASTIC BAG!
Whenever I see those papery-thin brown or white grocery bags and even those plastic bags used by high-end designer stores I feel like I've been punched in the gut. It physically makes me sick to know that so many, many hundreds of thousands of plastic bags go out the store front doors to contaminate our environment each and every day.
Why plastic bags? What is it about the lowly plastic bag that irritates me so much? I'm not totally certain why something that we take for granted, and something that most people rarely give a second thought to, and something that is used by millions of people every day can irritate me so much. What is it about the plastic bag that makes me want to shout - STOP! STOP using so many plastic bags. Is it really necessary?
Even as I write, there are so many emotions running through my brain and body. What is it about the plastic bag that drives me crazy? Ohhhh! I've answered my own question, haven't I?
Ahhh! Finally, I've figured it out. It's not only the plastic bag itself that drives me bonkers, but what the plastic bag represents. The lowly plastic bag represents the humongous, gigantic and ever-growing environmental crisis of planet-wide waste and all the environmental implications that come with it. And, sometimes I feel helpless that I can't do a thing about it.
But, I can do something about it and so can you. I am asking you via this article to begin to reduce your use of, and dependence upon, plastic bags.
According to the article, Toxic Bags: What You Didn't Know about Your Shopping Sack published in The Co-op Connect, a newsletter of the Cleveland Food Co-op March 2007, an estimated 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic shopping bags are consumed worldwide. The article states that plastic shopping bags are usually made of polyethylene. Did you know that, although popular for its economy and versatility, it requires 1000 years for a bag to degrade. And in reality, plastic bags do not biodegrade, but photo degrade. Photo degrade means that the bags break into smaller and smaller pieces which end up contaminating soil and waterways as they degrade. Eventually these small pieces make it into the food chain. Consider this too. The manufacture of polyethylene bags requires petroleum and natural gas which are both non-renewable resources. Since the bags are a petroleum product, it increases our dependence on oil and the accompanying problems resulting from its excavation, transportation, and use. Oil and natural gas consumption contributes to global warming, destruction of ecosystems, and pollution. You get the point!
In the US, there has been no significant federal action to reduce plastic bag waste, so it is up to each of us as individuals to control the amount of bags that are contaminating our environment. And, we can do it one bag at a time.
What can you do to help reduce the use of plastic bags? It's simple! You can start by re-using the bags that you get or currently have. Take them back to the supermarket and reuse them again. Some stores even reimburse you a small amount to reuse your bag.
Another thing that you can do is to not take a bag in the first place. If you have a small item, it's silly to use a bag. Put the item in your purse or pocket or carry it out of the store with your receipt in your hand. Explain to the clerk that you are trying to help the environment by cutting down your use of plastic bags.
Encourage the clerk to start asking people if they NEED a bag. When given a gentle reminder or a choice, a majority of people will not take the bag.
Purchase a cloth shopping bag. Many stores sell inexpensive cloth bags that you can use over and over again. If a cloth bag gets soiled and dirty, just throw it in the wash machine with your next load.
If you forget to reuse your bags once in a while, that's okay. It takes time to change a habit. If you have kids, have them remind you to remember to bring your own bags or even put them in charge of remembering and even gathering the bags to take along to the store. Giving a child the responsibility teaches them to the importance of recycling and reducing unnecessary waste.
Our planet is changing fast and the creator put it in our hands to protect. Please remember to think before you use another plastic bag. Do you really need one?
Businesswoman, Friend, Collaborator, and Team player, Bev Storer fulfills her Entrepreneurial Calling by offering a great service that enriches the lives of others. Together with other fellow BraveHeart Community members, her goal is to empower Women to be multi-dimensional success stories and inspiration to others. Be Sure to Visit: Be a BraveHeart Woman
About the Author
Businesswoman, Friend, Collaborator, and Team player, Bev Storer fulfills her Entrepreneurial Calling by offering a great service that enriches the lives of others. Together with other fellow BraveHeart Community members, her goal is to empower Women to be multi-dimensional success stories and inspiration to others. Be Sure to Visit: Be a BraveHeart Woman

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , mlm coder, internet marketing solution , online store script .

Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


How to Make Money From Blogging by Scott Brooks

Blogs are a great way to share facts, ideas and opinions directly between people, but also, they are a viable way to earn money. In fact, earning money with blogs is something just about anyone can do. Making money with blogs is completely dependent on your audience and you're ability to attract people to click on the advertisements. Blogs are simple to set up, and relatively easy to update. As many as 75,000 blogs are created every day--almost one per second!
If you are looking to start making money on the internet and you have a budget that is very small or zero, blogging is a great way to get started. You can set-up a free blog and join advertisement programs for free. The only cost involved in setting up a blog is your time.
Although there are many factors involved in making money with your blog, there are a few vital keys to remember when setting up, maintaining and promoting your blog in order to achieve success.
1. Your blog needs to have the right layout in order for your adsense ads to be "clickable" by visitors. Choosing an advertisement's location, size and color is very important and is something you will need to constantly test and tweak to determine which formats produce the most clicks. It's amazing how one small change can produce monumental results. There are also many other ways to make money with your blog than with adsense alone. You could promote affiliate products and implement contextual advertising such as Kontera.
2. Your blog will need lots and lots of traffic. This is really a no-brainer, yet it's the greatest challenge of any website owner. The encouraging reality is that there are more ways to generate traffic for your blog than ever before. This is due to the emergence of Web 2.0 sites like YouTube and social bookmarking sites. Many of these sites provide great sources for one-way links to your blog. Getting hundreds, even thousands of quality links is a must if you expect significant traffic to your blog. There are also many SEO tools on the market now such as directory and article submitters that will help you get thousands of backlinks to your blog quickly and save lots of valuable time.
3. Your blog will need to be updated frequently. You cannot expect return visitors if your blog is not a source of fresh information. You can use RSS feeds to provide your blog with relative information, however you will need to add personal posts as well at least once or twice per week. This will increase your blog's search engine rankings and also help brand you as an expert in your niche.
Blogging is a great way to share your thoughts and ideas online, but it's also a powerful money-making tool. Making money with blogs is fairly simple if you know what to do and if you're willing to invest the time and effort necessary to make it profitable.
About the Author
Scott Brooks is a successful entreprenuer with over five years in internet marketing. For a FREE, comprehensive guide that will teach you everything you need to know about making money with your blog, go to

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , mlm coder, internet marketing solution , online store script .

Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


Blogging To Boost Your Business by Obinna Heche

If you have run out of creative and canvassing ways to promote your business, look no further than the World Wide Web. In particular, sites which allow you to create online diaries otherwise known as blogs. Blogs are the abbreviation of weblogs. They are basically diaries of sorts and can be found free of charge all over the internet. They are popular with teens and people who travel to business professionals alike and are a great way to let people know about your life or your business.

It is easy to incorporate streaming videos into blogs, like a commercial for instance. In fact, the blog page itself can be an advertising avenue. There are plenty of websites that create layouts, backgrounds and images to spice up your blog page and in turn portray the advertising outlook you want for your page. With your blogs entered in chronological order, it is easy for customers to see what is new, what is coming up and what has already expired with your business.

The newest blogs are normally at the top of the page while the first or oldest are at the bottom and easily accessible. They are simple to incorporate into your current mass marketing e mail alerts as well. In fact, you could perhaps eliminate the tedious task of writing out e mails then dragging up the address book only to have the mailer demon tell you half of them are invalid. Just send out one e mail and insert the link to your blog page then the trouble is over.

Blogs are wonderful for marketing because you can say anything you like, anyway you would like. If your customer base is small town farmers, then you can be as laid back and informal as you need to be. However, if you have a high corporate customer base then you can change that to sound as high tech and formal as the companies require. You do not have to keep up with your blog site daily. Let your customers know how often to check the blog or just tell them to check every so often.

When you create your blog page, you can easily incorporate it into your website. All you have to do is cross post links to both on either pages then customers can check up on progress or see first hand what products or services you have to offer. Blog pages have been around since about 1983 and in May of 2007, a blog search engine tracked more than seventy one million blogs. They are tremendously popular and can prove to be a real asset to your business. Paired with search engine marketing, blog pages can put your products above all others.

About the Author

Obinna Heche. Los Angeles - California

Delivering the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home successfully..

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , mlm coder, internet marketing solution , online store script .

Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


How To Boost Affiliate Program Revenues With Presell Pages by Jeff Alderson

Finding a website or blog owner who wouldn't mind making a little extra cash from their online efforts is practically impossible. With tools such as on-site advertising, product sales and even affiliate programs available, it is often possible to earn some serious money. Although all of these options can and do pay off, they tend to have a fatal glitch. They almost always require visitors to a site to act in order for them to pay off.

In most cases, affiliate programs in particular, demand that visitors on the referring site click on a link and follow it through to another website. The affiliate site then might even require an outright purchase or some other action to take place before a single penny is earned. Raising the chances for success in this actually happening often falls on the referring site's ability to capture readers' attention with ads and affiliate program links.

Although direct affiliate links can be great revenue generators in some cases, they don't always pay off. The fact is these links send people away from the referring site, often leaving the closing up to the program site itself. If the site happens to be poor in design or if its landing page leaves a lot to be desired, all interest might be lost.

Fortunately, there are some things website and blog owners can do to increase their money-making chances. Touting products or services on the referring site through presell pages is one of the most effective ways to go. These special pages do nothing more than provide information about the product or service. They are hosted within the referring site, and simply are designed to help close a sale or prompt an action before a reader leaves. Rather than place affiliate links in blog articles, chat forums, ads or other spots on a site, presell pages are the ones that offer them.

Website and blog owners who create distinct presell pages are likely to notice some very big benefits. These pages can be leveraged to a site owner's advantage to even help create or boost other streams of income, as well. The way this is accomplished often comes from a presell page's ability to draw in traffic via search engines. Since these pages tend to focus on a particular product or service and they happen to be keyword intense, they can manage to produce very good ranking results. This can, in turn, increase traffic and potential revenue.

Two other major perks of using these pages instead of sending traffic directly to affiliate sites exist. If the presell page or pages are well written, relevant and offer frank information about the product or service in question, trust can be built. This trust can extend to the site as a whole. It is even possible to capitalize on the trust a site already has with its followers when presell pages are added. The other benefit is that these pages are much better to leave as links in blog posts, chat forums, e-mails and other online locations. Rather than spamming affiliate links, using presell page links just looks more professional. Another benefit is the ability to link to these pages in future content. They create fantastic reference points for related content.

Creating pages that presell products or services on a site or blog isn't very difficult. All that's necessary is creating a separate page, or even blog article, that includes the pitch. If using a new page, consider making its link very visible on the site. A banner ad for recommendations or another similar tool can help greatly.

Although presell pages are simple to create, there are some basic rules of the road to follow when creating them. Perhaps the most important thing to do is to avoid super hard sales tactics. It is also vital that content about the product or service is truthful, balanced and even presents the negatives if they exist. It's a good idea to make sure the affiliate link shows up several times in the copy, too. Do make sure not to add other links that might pull attention away from the affiliate issues at hand. Some site owners use link cloaking for affiliate links, but this isn't always necessary. When writing the copy, it's also a good idea to keep it short, fairly easy to scan and relevant. Do be certain readers understand what a product or service could mean to them. The "so what" can be a very big link in a closing.

Presell pages for affiliate programs aren't always necessary, but they can go a long way toward helping increase revenue. Those who take the time to understand the programs they're recommending can gain a higher conversion rate than others when presell pages are brought into play.

About the Author

Author Jeff Alderson is a software developer and Internet marketer. He is an expert on PPC and SEO strategies. To boost profits, Jeff advises using a keyword research tool when conducting keyword research

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , mlm coder, internet marketing solution , online store script .

Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer
