Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Delivering The Ultimate Outcome.::.

Lately I've been thinking a lot about client results.

My conclusion is that producing consistent results for our clients is
really the only way we can justify our existence as Independent
Professionals. Everything else is missing the point.

Results are our biggest point of leverage.

When we produce results for clients, we automatically have tools
that will make our marketing more effective -- Word-of-mouth, case
studies, testimonials, articles about client projects, etc.

The best marketing in the world cannot overcome the handicap of producing inconsistent, ineffective results.

A question I ask my clients is: "If budget were not an issue, what
service or program would you offer to your clients so that you could
consistently produce the best possible results?"

What they invariably say is, "I would provide a more comprehensive,
more expensive program than I'm offering now." Then I ask, "What are
you selling now?" Their answer is that they are offering what they
think the client can afford, not what they really need.

And why is this the case?

One, is that we are unwilling to take responsibility for producing
results for a client. And two, we're afraid the client will say no to
the larger and riskier (to our mind) proposal.

We're giving clients what they want, not what they need. And this
is tantamount to giving a patient a bandage instead of an operation
(when an operation is clearly what is called for.)

So we continue to offer one or two day training that does little
more than get people excited for a few days. We offer coaching programs
that are three months, or even less, when we know long-term sustainable
change takes six months or more. We provide consulting advice but don't
hold our clients accountable for implementing it.

If you want to stop struggling with marketing, one thing to change
immediately is to take a firm stand for producing consistent results
for your clients.

But how do you do that? Here are a few things I've discovered:

1. Ask what your clients really need. They don't need a process.
They need a result. Ask yourself, "What is the Ultimate Outcome that my
clients will be happy with?" And then find a way to package your
services to deliver that Ultimate Outcome.

Example: "We will sell your business for you and get a better price
than if you went through a traditional broker." Phil Hamilton went from
offering business valuations at $10,000 to providing a complete package
including selling the business, and now makes $150,000 per deal.

2. Have a big concept. We tend to think too small. We're focused on
getting the next project, working with our clients and doing the best
we can. What's the Big Concept that you offer? What will stimulate the
imagination of your clients?

I went from offering marketing coaching sessions to the Marketing
Action Groups and promised to "Hold Your Feet to the Fire." I now have
a waiting list and doubled my business in 18 months.

3. Coach, don't just consult or train. Breakthroughs come from
helping clients reach their goals. Doing it for them or telling them
how to do it is insufficient. Your projects or programs need to hold
your clients accountable for getting the job done while you empower
them to find the answers for themselves.

Example: John Callos and Kevin Kelsey went from selling consulting
services to delivering comprehensive, results-oriented programs for
bank executives that include consulting, coaching and training. In the
process they doubled their business.

4. Do joint ventures. You can only do so much by yourself. Who can
you bring in to do a piece of the work? Could you gain access to
companies through an associate who has the client relationships you
need but not the expertise you possess?

Example: This was the key for Phil Hamilton. He had the contacts
but needed more resources. By bringing together a group of top
professionals they could offer more, get better results and increase
their income dramatically.

5. Think long-term. Short programs are merely bandages. Your
clients will ultimately lose their investment if they, in the name of
cost savings, only commit to short programs. Develop long-term programs
and guarantee results (if the client does their fair share of the

Example: In the six-month Marketing Action Groups we guarantee
participants will be happy with the results they produce or they may
ask for a full refund. But they need to attend all the sessions and do
their homework.

Time to focus on results above all else.

Make the foundation of your marketing the results you produce for
your clients. Create services and programs designed to deliver those
results and don't compromise. Give clients what they need, not what
they want.

About The Author

Robert Middleton, the owner of Action Plan
Marketing, has been helping Independent Professionals be better
marketers since 1984. On his web site find valuable resources, products and programs for attracting more clients. Get a free copy of his Marketing Plan Sart-Up Kit.

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run
online business ,matrix,internet marketing solution ,online store script .

Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer ,computer training ,computer software andpersonal computer,Cyber Forest,internet weapon,talk about business ,business is my blood ,hasan's blog ,cyber business

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