Monday, July 16, 2007

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX100 (silver

  • The good: Wide-angle 3.6x optical zoom lens; Intelligent ISO mode; optical image stabilization.
  • The bad: Noisy images above ISO 400; sluggish shot-to-shot and startup-to-first-shot times.
  • The bottom line: If
    you absolutely must have a 12-megapixel compact camera, the DMC-FX100
    isn't a bad choice, but you can find better performing cameras with
    lower pixel counts for the same money.

    Superslim cameras, such as Casio's Exilim EX-Z75 or Sony's Cyber-shot DSC-T20
    get a lot of attention on morning TV shows and in slick print
    magazines, but some people find their ultracompact bodies difficult to
    use. For those people, a camera with a bit more to hold on to makes
    more sense. Panasonic's Lumix DMC-FX100 is a perfect example. It also
    happens to be their entry into this year's 12-megapixel compact camera
    derby, joining the likes of Sony's Cyber-shot DMC-W200 and Casio's Exilim EX-Z1200.
    This Panasonic distinguishes itself from those other two by including a
    zoom lens with a wider wide-angle setting--28mm (equivalent) instead of
    36mm or 37mm. While it doesn't look as impressive as a larger telephoto
    zoom number, it'll be more useful when you're out shooting with your
    back to the wall.

    Panasonic follows the if-it-ain't-broke-don't-fix-it logic by keeping
    the body design essentially the same as that of their other FX-series
    cameras. The 3.6x optical, 28mm-to-100mm (equivalent), f/2.8-to-f/5.6
    zoom lens extends from the front of the body when you turn the camera
    on and the zoom control takes the form of a ring around the shutter
    button with a nub on front that you can operate with your forefinger.
    The mode dial is built into the upper-right corner of the camera back,
    putting it out of the way but still convenient to use. Five small
    buttons, located to the right of the 2.5-inch, 207,000-pixel LCD on the
    camera back, double as menu controls and quick controls for functions
    including exposure compensation (plus or minus 2EV in one-third-stop
    steps), self-timer, flash, and review (in case you don't want to switch
    to full-on playback mode on the mode dial). Below these buttons are two
    small, round buttons for display controls and function/trash. The only
    other hard controls are the on/off slider and E.Zoom button, both on
    the camera top. This last one brings you to the far end of the optical
    zoom with the first press, adds digital zoom to bring you to a 7x zoom
    on the second press, and back to the widest angle on the third press.
    Of course, if you start at the far end of the zoom, then the first
    press will bring you to the 7x (with digital) zoom, and so on. Be
    careful though, since this button will cycle through the digital zoom
    even if you have it turned off in the menus.

    Like a lot of compact cameras, the FX100 doesn't have manual exposure
    controls, though it does include 20 preset scene modes to help you deal
    with tough--or just plain unusual--shooting conditions. A pair of
    features helps you deal with blur. Panasonic's Mega OIS lens-shift
    stabilization helps combat hand shake, while Intelligent ISO control--a
    separate shooting mode available on the mode dial--analyzes motion in
    your subject and automatically raises the ISO to a limit you select in
    the menu to help prevent blur caused by a fast moving subject. This can
    come in handy if you don't want to manually set ISO to boost your
    shutter speed; the camera will keep the ISO as low as possible if your
    subject is still, thereby minimizing noise in your images when the
    lighting is suboptimal. Like past FX models, you can also choose from
    4:3, 3:2, or 16:9 aspect ratios in case you prefer to view your images
    on a TV or a digital photo frame instead of making prints. You can also
    select 4:3 or 16:9 ratios when capturing movies, though you're limited
    to 15 frames per second if you opt for 1,280x720-pixel video.

    The DMC-FX100 showed good shutter lag times but was otherwise no more
    than average in our lab-based performance tests. The camera took a
    slightly sluggish 2.4 seconds to start up and capture its first JPG
    image. Subsequent JPGs took 2.3 seconds between shots with the flash
    turned off, slowing a bit further to 2.9 seconds with the flash on.
    Shutter lag measured 0.6 second in our high-contrast test and 1.1
    seconds under low-contrast conditions, which mimic bright and dim
    shooting conditions, respectfully. At 12 megapixels, the burst mode
    clocked an average of 1.3 frames per second, but rose to 4.4fps when we
    lowered the pixel resolution to VGA.

    Image quality is generally good, with sharp images, accurate-looking
    colors, a healthy amount of shadow detail, and consistently accurate
    white balance and exposures. However, noise remains one of Panasonic's
    weakest points. Even at the camera's lowest sensitivity setting of ISO
    80, I saw noise in our test images. The noise is minimized in prints
    but is readily noticeable when viewing images at full size on computer
    monitors. The noise is less obvious on subjects with texture, such as
    the plush ape in our test scene, but creates a mottled look on dark
    colored smooth surfaces, such as the navy-blue toy car in the same
    scene. Panasonic's noise reduction algorithms manage to keep noise
    under control through ISO 200 with only very slight falloffs in
    sharpness and shadow detail. At ISO 400, noise bumps up, colors start
    to wash out, and shadow detail begins to decline, but images are
    definitely still usable. At ISO 800, conditions worsen as both
    sharpness and shadow detail deteriorate, though you'll likely still be
    able to get pleasing 4x6-inch prints. At both ISO 1,250 and ISO 1,600,
    noise becomes very heavy and sharpness and shadow detail take a nose
    dive. I suggest staying below ISO 800 whenever possible and below ISO
    1,250 altogether. That said, Panasonic is doing a much better job at
    combatting noise than it did even a couple of years ago. Given that
    this is a 12-megapixel compact camera, I was surprised at the results
    it produced.

    Considering the usefulness of the 28mm wide-angle lens, the convenience
    of the Intelligent ISO mode, and the FX100's impressive white balance
    and metering, this camera is a good choice if you feel you absolutely
    must have a 12-megapixel compact camera. However, you probably don't
    need so many pixels. If you don't plan on cropping heavily or making
    extremely large prints, you'd be better served going for a camera with
    a lower megapixel count and better noise results, such as the Canon PowerShot SD850 IS or if you don't mind ultracompacts, Sony's Cyber-shot DSC-T100, both of which cost around the same price as this Panasonic.

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business ,internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


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