Monday, July 16, 2007

Shark Tank: Gooooal!

It's not long ago at World Cup
time, and for this soccer-fan maintenance guy, his building's Internet
connection is everything he could ask for, reports an IT support pilot

"He worked at one of our remote sites, and he found that if you
disconnected the cable Internet connection from the modem and connected
it straight into a TV, you'd be able to watch the games," fish says."

That's because the cable TV company hasn't done anything special for
this connection -- like residential cable connections, it's a standard
cable connection that also supports Internet access.

At the time, fish is new to his support job, and his departing
predecessor is walking him around the site when they come across the
maintenance guy.

And he's watching a World Cup game.

Fish says nothing for a moment. Neither does his predecessor.

That's when the maintenance guy's radio crackles with an urgent call
from the office. The Internet connection is down, the radio says.

Maintenance guy: "Yes, I know. It will take about another hour or so."

Says fish, "Thankfully, when his team scored, we didn't shout too loud or we'd get caught.

"In any event, when my boss heard, he turned purple -- so hard was he laughing!"

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Filed under : Networking | Cool Stuff | Internet

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business ,internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


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